Simplifying the EKM signup process for a 35% increase in conversion rate
The Challenge
After analysing the current EKM signup flow I identified issues with users dropping off at various stages of the flow, with 62% dropping off after the first step alone. Coupled with the fact there was an even higher mobile drop-off, I took ownership of the project to re-design the signup experience, simplifying it and improving the experience across all touch points.
The Solution
Testing and analysing the current signup flow
A combination of user feedback sessions, visitor recording analysis and digging through analytics formed the basis of the research and analysis for the new flow. There were clear takeaways that were used as the focus for improving the flow.
Digging into the performance of the old flow
We had been tracking the signup flow funnel for some time which gave us a lot of data to look into, this highlighted key problem areas for improvement which would form the focus for more testing.
Identifying deeper problems
Through visitor recording and heatmaps I was able to identify several points in the signup journey where users experienced friction, these would form the basis of the UX improvements.
re-thinking the cancellation flow
The objective of the new signup flow was to reduce any friction users had on the previous steps, improve the abandonment rate and thus conversion rate, and instill confidence in the users by way of prompts and providing information reiterating the trial details.
sketches & multi stage prototypes
The flow was initially sketched and then moved to an interactive prototype in Marvel for some early internal testing, as soon as the internal testing was complete I worked on developing a working HTML and Jquery prototype, this was done to eliminate the need for development assistance until after the next round of testing was complete.
internal and external testing
3 rounds of moderated internal usability testing was completed with over 20 participants over 3 days, based on the feedback multiple changes were made before the flow was passed to development for integration with the back-end systems. A pilot was then carried out where the sales team utilised the flow on calls with customers – This was deemed a huge success and the flow was rolled out on the entirety of for all new signups.
numbers at a glance
Signup flow steps reduced from 5 steps to 3 while the overall fields were reduced from 15 to 7 by eliminating unnecessary fields and utisling new postcode look technology. This meant the average signup time dropped from over 5 minutes to on average less than 2 minutes.
34.87% increase signup conversion rate from July 18 – November 18 based on previous year, yielding a 20% increase in overall signup numbers with a 105% increase in mobile signups and a 98% increase in mobile conversion rate.