Creating a hot sauce brand with personality

  • Client - Myself
  • Skills - Creative Direction / Packaging Design

The Challenge

Craft hot sauce is an up and coming market, and I enjoy hot sauce on practically every meal – So I thought why not make my own… After buying an industrial blender and copious amounts of chillis the experimentation started.  After a few batches and giving it to friends and family with good feedback I was told “you should sell them”, so I figured I needed a brand, and a website and marketing plan.  Work in progress – expected to reach general sale in 2019.

The Solution

A hot sauce brand with a personality, I figured I’d try a different approach to any hot sauce brand I’ve seen before – adding a mix of colour, personality, and character, after toying with different names and surveying friends and family I decided on –  Tongue Ticklers.

The brand, cheeky and current

With a tongue for a U and a cursive font with character, and a bright colour palette the Tongue Ticklers brand will stand out both online and offline at food fairs.

Different colours highlight different flavours, images of chillies and fruit were created to give the packaging even more personality.

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